The books

by Daniele Sottile


Libro avvinamenti

A work designed for those who have wanted to take a course to become a Sommelier. The Author guides the reader, with a pinch of irony and in a light tone, to the discovery of pairing techniques, explaining the principles that inspire the combinations and providing a large number of examples based on Italian cuisine. Furthermore, an ideal journey through every region of Italy, accompanying us to all those places that, for the Author, represent the perfect mix of food, wine and territory.

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Often chance and the right amount of enthusiasm are the best ingredients for deciding to embark on a new adventure.
This is the sentence that opens Avvinamenti, the first book by Daniele Sottile, born from a fortuitous meeting from which everything was born… absolutely everything!
Bubbles in fact it was already in our thoughts as soon as we published Avvinamenti, almost as if it had already been written. A volume of in-depth analysis of the vast world, not only Italian, of Spumante and Champagne aimed at being a tool for discovery and guidance without forgetting that the right dish enhances both elements.
A new way of creating culture, guiding readers on the journey that begins when they uncork a bottle, to discover not only the wine but also its origin, the best way to taste it and, why not, share it.

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or ask the author for a dedicated copy.
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