The new Wine List at Sushi & Sound
Sushi & Sound Piazza XXIV Maggio 1/10, Milan, ItalyThe new wine list with the Piedmontese producer Tenuta Montemagno
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The new wine list with the Piedmontese producer Tenuta Montemagno
"Avvinamenti: vino, cibo, emozioni...", this is the new book by Daniele Sottile, sommelier who for the occasion will dedicate his knowledge to us in an evening not to be missed. The focus will be on food and wine pairings, a topic that has been discussed by amateurs and experts since the birth of wine. A course where we will learn to recognize the characteristic aromas of […]
The perfect opportunity to get to know the great world of wine and chocolate. Together we will search for the best cocoa crus and discover their history. With the sommelier, we will then taste four wines, learning how to pair them correctly. A great journey to discover the history of two apparently distant products, but which can give great […]
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